Summer Time Off

Pyraneese Mountains

My husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage, last summer.  I think we both always envisioned taking time out of our busy schedules to commemorate that milestone in a big way.  Unfortunately (fortunately?) our daughter got married and we were still pretty much recovering from all the festivities when our anniversary date came around.  Not to mention we would need a little more time to set aside the money to do some serious anniversary reflecting.

I’m not really sure how it all happened so quickly but a trip to Spain came on the horizon.  Without a lot of negotiating, we jumped at the opportunity.  We planned for a few months and before we knew it, July was here and we were on a plane to Spain.  The timing was so we could be in country when my good friends were there.  They are Spanish and we wanted a local’s perspective on touring the country.  The added benefit was being fully immersed in their hospitality and friendship.


Walking around the streets of Madrid

As much as I would love to go on and on about how fabulous our trip was, I probably better not.  Honestly, I think I would bore myself.  Well, maybe not.  I had such a good time.  Being away with the love of my life is exciting enough on its own but getting to travel, and then to travel to Europe, to a country by which I am so thoroughly captivated was  a total joy.

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Driving to the town of Cuenca, Es

The other aspect of getting to go on this trip at this point in our lives was being able to go without the kids.  We can hardly consider our teenage boys kids any more but I did hesitate to consider going on vacation without them.  They were very eager to be left home, alone.

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Arena in Valencia, Es

Saying they were home alone is a bit of an exaggeration since we have so many friends and family around to look after them.  I was happy for them to have this time to be responsible for themselves, and the dog.  After all, they will be men in very short order.

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Roman ruins in Barcelona, Es

Everything at home went so well.  I really don’t think they noticed we were gone.  Of course we filled the fridge, and freezer, as well as their wallets, before we left.  All three were pretty empty when we returned, of course.  It was nice to know they appreciated all the food since my husband and I went to a lot of trouble to cook some exceptionally delicious meals- shepherd’s pie, mac n cheese, and other teenage boy fav’s.

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Goudy style building in Barcelona, Es

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La Familia Sagrada, Barcelona, Es

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